Behavioural Science Application
Most human decisions are unconcious
Our Behavioural Science practice aims to determine the hidden drivers behind human decision. It draws from a number of different domains namely, psychology, neuroscience as well as cognitive science. Using these techniques, we are able to predict human behaviour much more accurately by looking at context, anchors and shortcuts our brain uses everyday to help make decisions. This eventually enables us to change behaviour.

Our thinking is inspired by Daniel Kahneman's research on human behaviour
Based on Daniel Kahneman's psychological master piece (Thinking Fast & Slow), human brain is divided into two parts; Right Hand Side (System 1) which is more implicit, creative, impulsive & reflex while the Left Hand Side (System 2) which is more logical, calculating & reasoning. Most consumer decisions are Subconscious (System 1), thus we don't rely on just asking people.

We use these principlese to address real life business issues
Brand Love Key
Distinctive Assets Tracking
Memories are fragile and Brands are substitutable; Byron Sharp has devised a new way of assessing brand power which is less about measuring Brand Equity and more about Mental and Physical Availability.
Every company likes to think that their brands are most unique; however this is not the case as very few brands are Truly Unique. It is less about attribute associations and more about Distinctiveness; ability of the brand to stand out and become recognisable through it's unique elements.
We call these unique elements as Brand Distinctive Assets.
Distinctive Assets are elements that signal the brand name to the customers. These are mental shortcuts that keep brands alive and build salience.
These can be:
1. Logos
2. Colors
3. Visuals
4. Slogans
5. Characters
6. Pack Shapes

We have thus devised our approach to determine customer mental structures around a brand. This helps determine the Heuristics (Memory retrieval) which drive behaviour. We can determine what people think about your brand at an unconscious level.
Implicit Reaction Time (IRT)
Applied Psychology is rapidly making it's way into market research; we will use the principles of Implicit Attitude Measurement to understand real customers opinions as well as emotional/functional expectations.
Implicit Reaction Time (IRT) is a sophisticated Neuroscience technique that helps identify deep rooted human attitudes and convictions towards stimulus and attributes. This measures non-conscious perceptions and identifies how consumers really react to brands, concept, packaging and products.
Human tendency to react quickly to familiar territory helps understand their inclinations and likely decision biases. By exposing stimulus and understanding thier preferences through IRT, we can confidently determine how people subconsciously feel about products or brands and how strongly they associate with them.
We use advanced technology to determine reaction times and benchmark it with extablished norms or what is considered good, average or bad for your brands or products.